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How can I improve my Clutch scores and directory ranks?

Reviews are the most important factor in your Clutch rank. You can increase your score by improving the individual score components: Reviews Score, Clients & Experience Score, and Market Presence Score.

Please make sure that your clients, case studies, industry recognition, and evidence of industry leadership are displayed on both your website and Clutch profile.

Read through our research methodology to find out more.

How can I improve my Reviews score?

The best way to improve your Reviews score is to request more reviews. Your Reviews score is based on reviews that your company has received, and is most affected by the overall rating, recency, and verification status of the review. 

To improve your Reviews score, you can:

  • Request more reviews: the more reviews you have, the better your review score can be.
  • Add new reviews as often as you can: Clutch places higher emphasis on recent reviews, so be sure to request new reviews upon project completion.
  • Make sure your clients know the importance of verifying their reviews: verified reviews have significantly more value in your Reviews score, so make sure that your clients understand the importance of providing Clutch with verification details if requested.

How can I improve my Market Presence score?

The best way to improve your Market Presence score is to update the industry recognitions section of your Clutch profile. Your Market Presence score is based on your web presence, domain authority, industry recognitions, and thought leadership. 

To improve your Market Presence score, you can:

  • Engage in common marketing and SEO activities to improve your website’s domain authority.
  • Provide your social media information in your Clutch profile so our team can further assess your marketing efforts. 
  • Add recent industry recognitions to the ‘Industry Recognitions’ section of your Clutch profile.

How can I improve my Clients & Experience score?

We recommend that you have 8+ portfolio items added to your profile and on your website to maximize your score. The more information that you provide on your portfolio, the better we are able to assess your past experience. 

Be thorough in detail in your portfolio items, and be sure to provide the client details and project cost if possible. This will also help buyers in understanding the type of work you have done and what types of companies you have worked with. 

Add a new portfolio or update your current items here.

Can My Company Request to Get Its Clutch Score Re-Evaluated?

No; your score will be dynamically updated based on currently available information. If you wish to improve your Clutch score or rank, please see our recommendations above.