Leads find your company on Clutch by filtering our Reviews Pages to create a shortlist of services providers that meet their needs or searching for industry terms on Google.
Find Your Company on Reviews Pages
When buyers of business services use Clutch, they can filter reviews pages by:
- Minimum project size
- Hourly rate
- Number of employees
- Client focus
- Industry focus
- Location

If your company's Clutch profile includes this information, it will show up on our Reviews Pages when buyers filter for their needs
Buyers also can sort Reviews Pages by:
- Clutch Rank
- Sponsors
- Number of reviews
- Review rating
- Company name

It's important for your company to submit client references to show up when Reviews Pages are sorted by Clutch Rank, number of reviews, or review rating because we weigh the number, quality, and recency of client reviews the most in our ranking methodology.
Find Your Company in Search Engines
In organic search, B2B buyers who search “company name + reviews” or “industry + reviews” in Google are more likely to find your business if you have a profile on Clutch.