Clutch Sponsorships, Featured Listings, or Clutch+ automatically renew.
Can I cancel my annual commitment at any time?
Annual commitments require an initial minimum commitment of 12 months before cancellation is possible. The renewal date can be found in the vendor dashboard. Failure to meet these terms may result in penalties affecting the access levels and visibility of the associated Clutch profile.
How can I request cancellation?
You'll need to communicate cancellation requests through written notice via email to your designated Account Manager. This notice must be received no later than five (5) business days before your upcoming renewal date*
- *For annual commitments, the renewal date is 12 months from your initial start date.
Can I receive assistance from my Account Manager during my subscription?
Yes, your Clutch Account Manager is available to provide ongoing support. They can offer a comprehensive analysis of your sponsorship plan and profile's performance whenever needed.
You can conveniently book time through your vendor dashboard to schedule a session with your Account Manager.
Why is tracking traffic from Clutch important?
Accurate value attribution of your advertisements relies on tracking traffic from Clutch. This assists in determining the actual impact of your ads. If you need help with this, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.