Clutch offers both free and paid marketing opportunities – from content for your website, guest writing on Clutch, mentions on our sister websites, widgets to highlight your reviews, and more.
6 Marketing Opportunities to Build Thought Leadership and Brand Recognition
Show your company’s leadership in the industry by taking advantage of marketing opportunities through Clutch:
1. Receive exclusive content for your website that highlights your company’s ranking, client reviews, and industry expertise or presents original industry data.
2. Post a top companies badge that directs website visitors to your ranking on Clutch or company profile.
3. Add a widget to your website to feature your star ratings and reviews.
4. Highlight third-party reviews from Clutch in your ads using the AdWords review extension.
5. Get featured on The Manifest and/or Visual Objects, sister websites owned by Clutch.
6. Serve as an Expert Source who comments on new survey data and industry trends for our data-driven industry surveys.