How Do I Add Portfolio Items to My Company's Profile?

We recommend adding 6–8 portfolio items.

Step 1: Log Into Clutch

Log into Clutch through your user account.

(If you're having trouble accessing your account, here's how to get help)

Step 2: Navigate to Your Vendor Dashboard

In the upper right-hand corner, scroll over your name/username. In the drop-down menu, select 'Vendor Dashboard.'

Step 3: Navigate To The Portfolio Tab of Your Vendor Dashboard

Click 'Portfolio' at the top of your vendor dashboard.

Step 4: Add a Title, Description, and other details

You'll need to fill in the details of the portfolio item, including; the title, description, project start & end dates, an image, or video. Portfolio items without an image or video will not be displayed publicly on your profile.

Please add the client's website and estimated project size to each portfolio item to ensure Clutch incorporates it into your market presence



If you do not want a client mentioned on your profile, you can mark the work's privacy settings  as “Confidential” or “Hidden”.

  • Hidden means it will not show up on their profile at all.
  • Confidential means it will show up, but only with the title, image, and description fields.

Currently, portfolio items without an image or a video are not displayed publicly on your profile. 


Image Files Size Requirements

  • Less than 10 MB
  • jpg, jpeg, png, or gif
  • Upload as many images as you need for each project

Aspect Ratio Requirements

The container size for portfolio items displayed on Clutch is 269 x 188 px, and the natural size is 500 x 350px.