How Does Clutch Collect Data for the Verification Process?

We partner with Experian and CreditSafe for the verification process.

Partners for Credit Approval Process include Experian and CreditSafe.

Experian provides the following data points for each US-headquartered sponsored company:

  • Bankruptcy filed
  • Lien count
  • Judgment count
  • Collections count

This data is displayed on the Clutch profile if it’s within our credit standards.

CreditSafe provides the following data points for sponsor companies headquartered outside of the US.

  • International Score (A-E): A denotes a low-risk company, E denotes a high-risk company
  • Credit Rating (1-100): a standardized score which enables credit risk comparison between companies registered in different countries

This data is not displayed on the Clutch profile and instead contributes to Clutch’s 'International Credit Risk Assessment.' This assessment score is displayed on the profile.