How Can I Leave an Online Review on Clutch?

Use our online review form linked below.

How to leave an online review:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for the company name you want to review and click next
    • If you have been invited to leave a review as a reference, this may be completed for you already.
  3. Log into Clutch using your LinkedIn or Google account.
  4. Follow the prompts to begin your review, and be prepared to provide details about your company, the project, and the partnership.
    • This will include beginning and end dates, an estimated cost of the project, and any success metrics and results.
    • Free response questions can be written in any language, and Clutch will handle the translation! 
  5. Choose if you would like to attribute your comments or remain anonymous.
  6. On the final page, you will be asked for additional information so we can verify the review.
  7. Click submit

You should receive an email confirmation shortly after you submit the review. Once your review is published, you will receive an additional email with an option to send in updates or edits after you’ve looked over the finished product.


Instructional video:  Leaving an Online Review